Adopted Children - Do They Have The Right To Know? Part 2

At least with me once I found out who my biological parents were it became more difficult before it got easier. Still to this day it was the right decision on my part and my adopted parents.

What made it more challenging was that my biological mother and adopted mother are sisters. For twelve years my mother who I thought was my aunt, and my adopted mother played opposite rolls. What was even weirder was my four cousins were really my half brothers and sisters. Am I still glad? Yes. Did I have a right to know this? You bet. Was it easy for everyone involved? No way!

From the beginning of my life; my biological mother and siblings and adopted parents for that matter new there would come a day I would want to know. They also new that I had every right to know. They just did not know how or when. What terrified them even more was, not knowing what my reaction would be.

This is a key concern of parents today day. What will my child do? Will they leave or stay? Will they love us still? All kinds of emotions can and will go through the minds. Are they still glad they told me? Yes they are. You see, a house can not be built without its foundation. No matter how hard it may be to get out of the ground, it must be built. Until I found my foundation, my house with my adopted parents could not be built.

Parents, your decision is not all about you.

Did I develop a relationship with my siblings? Yes I did. Did I have one with my biological mother? Yes!

Seventeen years later I found my real father with the help of my adopted mother!

Greg Ryan is a high profile fitness expert and best selling author eight books. His latest; Fitting In