Actively Market Your Products For Maximum Exposure

The most successful affiliates know this: No matter how great the affiliate products you are selling are, people are not going to beat a path to your door to get them. You need to bring the products to the customers. That is why super affiliates devote a big chunk of their time to actively marketing the products.

If you have a list of newsletter subscribers that you have been regularly mailing an e-zine or newsletter to, then you are already perfectly positioned to bring your products to your customers -- and become a super affiliate.

That is because your subscribers see your newsletter as a valuable resource. They look to you for advice, news, industry updates, and other valuable information. So why not take advantage of your reputation as a credible source of information to sell affiliate products?

If you do not have an opt-in mailing list yet, now is the time to start one. It is easier than you might think. You just need to come up with a free offer for something that visitors to your site want -- then ask for their e-mail addresses in return.

These could include:

Free downloads
'Members only' content

*A newsletter is a powerful marketing tool. Any promotions that you send to your customers and subscribers in the future will be that much more successful because with your newsletter you will have established your credibility.

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