When Photography Isn't the First Option

Today I hesitated, and watched the skies. Okay, they don't move - something to do with the Firmament being placed there by God, in His wisdom. But the clouds looked as if they might be getting ready to do something nice.

So I tossed a coin. Then I tossed another one, because I lost the first. This new one decided for me: I SHALL go out and see what photos I can take, even if there's nothing worth while.

The trouble is, I wanted to convince myself that there was nothing worthwhile to take a picture of. I was warm and snug at home and there was lots of coffee on tap and some good programmes on TV.

But that changed dramatically; the sky lightened, the sun peeped through, and a glorious sunset descended over the world - well, my part of it anyway. I waited a little longer, and the sky turned red - so red that it seemed on fire. I posted the pictures on the Shutter forums, and I think they're as good as it gets.

Another time, another place, another coin - and I probably wouldn't have gone outside at all. But the moral of the story is, of course: have faith, await inspiration, follow your judgements and don