Chest Massage

Chest massage is helpful in many ways. It strengthens the chest muscles, increases circulation, and tones up the nervous system of chest, heart, and lungs. It is especially recommended in weakness of the lungs, palpitation, and organic heart disorders. Bust and mammary glands can be developed by proper massage.

The patient is made to lie on the back with the arms at the sides. The masseur starts manipulating the chest by means of strokes with both hands on each side of the breast bone. A circular motion is formed by the movement made up and down, moving down the chest.

Next the muscle kneading is done by picking up the skin and muscles with both hands. Treatment is given to both sides of the chest likewise. Circular kneading is next done by placing one hand on each side of the breast bone and making the circular motion outward towards the side.

Tapotement follows by hacking and slapping.

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