Create a Perfect Product Using Your Ideas

Ideas are the only assets which have no fixed values. It is equally well known that ideas are the beginning of all achievements. Ideas are the foundation of all fortunes, the starting point of all inventions.

This is where it all begins. This stage, as the first, is the one on which the rest build. If you decide on the wrong idea now, then all time and money spent on the project will be a bad investment. You are destined to fail before you are far enough involved to realize it.

Given its importance, it would be foolish to just take the first business idea that comes to you. There is no reason to rush unless you are sure that you are racing a competitor to market. Otherwise, planning carefully will bring you much better results than rushing.

Take your time, brainstorm, think, consider, observe, and ponder. The real trick to coming up with great ideas is to be involved in many diverse activities, a passion for trying new things, and to have a wide range of interests and hobbies.

For example, suppose you were to develop an interest in golf. You might seek out a friend who can teach you how to play or you might seek out a coach to give you lessons. But what if you have no friends who play golf and have no money to get a coach?

If you are using your product creation mindset you would recognize that there is a need for an information product for learning to play golf. Maybe you could create an informative video by enlisting the help of a coach who would probably do it for free to get some publicity. Or suppose they do have such a video already and you order it.

So, what if you know how to play to golf but don't have a partner? Maybe a video on how to learn golf by yourself would be helpful. Or maybe you learned to play golf and you now want the edge on my competitors. You want to be better. If you are using the product creation mindset you would create a product with little known, advanced tips and strategies for golf.

You could do this by interviewing successful golf stars and asking for their secrets or you could observe master golf players in action and record what they do to dominate. Create a product based on a need you encounter in your area of interest.

Awareness of your needs is the key to idea generation. Now the challenge is in being able to recognize your need when it occurs. You have many, many unfulfilled needs that you have become accustomed to and ignore unconsciously. These needs and inconveniences are untapped gold mines so it is important that you become sensitive to them.

Suppose you are enjoying your interest, whatever it is. let's say it's fishing. While enjoying that activity be mindful of any inconveniences or setbacks you experience. Maybe you cannot remember how to tie a certain kind of knot. How many people do you think that has happened to? Chances are that if you run into a problem millions of people have run into it before you and millions of people will run into it after you.

Could you create a product to solve the problem for the millions of people that will encounter that very problem in the future? Sure you could! With the perfect mindset, creating your product will happen easier than you think.

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