Past Life Regression - A Highly Effective Healing Process

Belief in reincarnation has existed throughout history. It is a standard aspect of all forms of metaphysics and is found in virtually all religious systems. It is a part of the Kabalah, the mystical side of Judaism, and it was also a belief of early Christianity. The majority of religious people in the world today believe in reincarnation, albeit only 45% believe one can experience a past life.

If we accept the idea of reincarnation, it follows that there would be some method to illuminate the darkness of the death-rebirth period and learn about our past lives. Many techniques have been developed to do just that. One famous occultist called remembering past lives "developing your magical memory." Today, the various systems of recall are known as past life regression. But why investigate this at all? Other than being an interesting curiosity, what good can you get from learning about your past lives?

First, we must accept the possibility that our remembrance of past lives may not be related to any real past lives. The experiences people have may be the result of a message that the unconscious wants to send to the conscious. For some reason the conscious refuses to listen to the inner mind, so when the inner mind has an opportunity it sends a symbolic message in the form of a past life impression. Unless a past life experience is sheer fantasy, it is probably caused by either a message from the unconscious or from a real past life. There are simple and easy checks and balances a professional uses to determine if the