Does God Exist? - A Preliminary

Life is hard, yes even difficult beyond measure sometimes. As adults we scramble ferociously trying to eke out a living and make do with all of our family, personal, and other obligations. Of course, I am referring to the experiences of the average citizen, not the ones I read about on the AOL headlines that flash on my computer screen; you know, the ones that are super rich and live in eight million dollar mansions, or the celebrities and music artists that made it big in their twenties and never really knew what is was like to struggle to pay bills.

This does not imply that such persons do not experience their own particular share of earthly problems, but their realm of existence is quite different from that of the typical person. For the average Joe, the great cares of the world often force him into a quagmire of problems and challenges, and consequently, he never really has time to contemplate, bemuse, or even consider more spiritual things. As reinforced by the work of the famous humanist and psychologist Abraham Maslow in his hierarchy of needs, man cannot self-actualize and enter the realm of so-called metaneeds (needs such as spiritual truth which are sought and pursued after the basic needs like hunger are satisfied) until he has achieved a minimum level of personal security. That most men cannot pursue this higher level of need is unfortunate since as a civilization this is where we all need to be.

In some of my previous articles, I talk about the interconnections among faith, God, and yes