Food Sources for Disenfranchised

As more and more people slip below the poverty lines,people are going hungry needlessly. There are food banks that provide free food boxes. These may be church sponsored or community sponsored, and they want to help those in need. Don't let pride get in the way, many more people than ever are signing up for food help.

If you have not taken advantage of a food box before, you will need to fill out paperwork and give proof of income, number in household and so forth. Each service has a time span between allotted visits. These vary, so be sure to ask the person in charge.

No one needs to go hungry. They believe in what they are doing and make going to their service as easy as possible. Many food banks have bread and other things out for the taking, in addition to your own box. Please be respectful and take only your share. Do not complain about the food, be grateful you have something to eat. Remember, a thank you is their reward, show your appreciation.

As with all food, be sure to inspect your box for outdated codes, dented or damaged cans. If the can appears to have leaked or is damaged, throw it away. Cans in these conditions might cause food poisoning. If you get things you just don