The Importance of Eating Breakfast

Breaking the Fast

After fasting all night long, nurture your body with some good high quality food. Get your body purring with a nourishing meal. After six to eight hours of rest, the fuel light is on and the engine is begging to be re-fueled, not only with food, but with water. Hydration is vital after a night of sleep to keep the body and organs functioning properly.

It is vastly better to choose healthy organic food, but no matter what your choices are, eating breakfast energizes the body and mind, and carries you more efficiently throughout your day. Some people think skipping breakfast will aid them to lose weight, but it is actually the opposite, eating breakfast helps you lose weight, especially when choosing the appropriate foods. Plus it gives you a positive attitude, heightens mental concentration, and helps you perform better all day long.

Make it Yummy

With so many delicious options to choose from, why not make your breakfast a fun sensory feast? Treat your taste buds to natural naked foods like fruits in season - a wonderful way to get the day rolling. Optimally, a well-rounded breakfast includes food from three different food groups. Create your meal from a choice of whole grain breads or cereals, fruits, proteins, milk or yogurt, and fats. Protein rich foods are an excellent choice in the morning as they help to steady blood sugar highs and lows that can leave you feeling dragged-down and starving by 10 am. Heart healthy fats (containing essential fatty acids) like olive, flax and peanut oils, are important to keep as a staple of your diet.

But dont ignore the importance of water, a vital part of breakfast is drinking fluids, as hydrating the body after a long night of sleep is necessary.

Thoreau Knows Best

Henry David Thoreau said, Water is the only drink of the wise man. He knew the secret to good health, energy, vitality; a properly hydrated body even heightens mental awareness and spiritual consciousness. Water is life. The fact that our bodies are made up of about 70% water alone speaks of our organic connection to the source and our need to consistently replenish that very source.

Water is vital to many body functions:

1. It keeps the body temperature regulated.

2. Water dissolves nutrients, then transports them, making them available to the whole body

3. Water removes waste and toxins from the system

4. Prevents fatigue, dizziness, hunger, dry skin, dark urine and general lethargy which are signs of dehydration

Water Yourself

With all healthy choices for breakfast food, make sure you can absorb the nutrients with proper hydration. That means enough of the right kind of water each day. The naturally present water in raw foods is a great source but also make sure your water has a low surface tension.

Though most tap and bottled water has high surface tenions, there are ways to make water more available to your body's cells.

Silica is a natural mineral and special forms of microcluster. silica are small enough to change the absorption properties of water. Ask your vitamin store for it.

For more information about optimal sources of hydration, visit:

This article has been brought to you by Dr Patrick Flanagan, a cellular hydration expert who has developed a unique mineral form called Microcluster. silica and silica hydride to dramatically increase longevity. Silica hydride is also the most powerful antioxidant known. To learn more about Dr. Patrick Flanagan and ways to more beauty, health and longer life, for less than $1 a day, please visit:

You will also find a link to download the Wetter Water Report by Dr. Patrick Flanagan for FREE.