Saundra's Apologetic Q & A Notes: #2

More key Defenders of the Faith terminologies, views, thoughts and arguments in question and answer format.

What is Descartes (Meditations) ontological argument? - Descartes argues that every one can conceive of God. The idea of God is that of an infinite perfect unlimited Being. For everything there must be a cause as great or greater that the effect. Therefore, for the idea of God which we have, there must be an infinite, perfect, unlimited cause. But we are not infinite, perfect or unlimited and therefore could not create such an idea ourselves. There must be a cause outside of ourselves, which is infinite, perfect and unlimited, which caused the idea of God which we have in our minds. This Cause, according to Descartes, is the God of the Bible.

What is the negative form (proslogion 3) of ontological arguments? - This argument begins from the negative position that no contradictory thing can be conceived. No inconceivable thing can exist (the