Acronym of a Democrat

If Jay Leno can ridicule, torment and make fun of conservatives on his late night talk show and call it comedy, then I'm entitled to write my own good natured and fun filled commentary that I call Acronym of a Democrat. This commentary is not intended to be taken seriously. I'm just poking fun at the other side. Sit back and enjoy this short commentary.

D = Debauchery - Democrats support the ACLU who defend groups like NAMBLA (North American Boy Love association). Now this is in the spirit of moral decency and family values, isn't it? This is disgusting.

E = Egotistical - Democrats claim that their party faithful are academics and intellectuals. Who cares? Other people would say that those who can, work in the real world. Those who can't, teach.

M = Misguided - Democratic policies seem to be misguided and don't seem to resonate with the American public.

O = Obnoxious - Democrats have become obnoxious and offensive in their approach to social values (do they have any?) and morality (does it exist for them?).

C = Clueless - While liberal policies may be well intentioned, Democrats don't realize that they are playing into the hands of our enemies and inadvertently supporting our enemies. Democrats are leading us down a very dark road.

R = Ruthless - Democrats have become ruthless in their actions and their attacks against anything that isn't extremely liberal.

A = Antagonist - Democrats have become antagonists. They attack conservatives 24/7.

T = Tantrum - This is what Democrats throw when they don't get their way (like losing elections). When things don't go their way, they throw tantrums and make excuses for the results of their actions. They tend to blame everyone else for their losses and don't take personal responsibility for the outcomes of their actions.

I hope all of Howard Dean's Sheeple (a term coined by Michael Savage - it means Sheep people) haven't taken this commentary seriously and found it to be lighthearted. This commentary wasn't meant to be taken seriously. You could probably do an acronym for the word conservative and come up with something similar.

Baa Baa my friends. Have a happy and healthy holiday season.

Anthony Bloch - EzineArticles Expert Author

Anthony B. is the founder and owner of a news, political and sports commentary website.

Anthony has over 7 years of experience as a business professional. "Democrats, Conservatives, Acronym, humor, comedy" A lighthearted look at the meaning of Democrat.