Discover Your Hidden Secrets That Will Make You Successful

Everyone has talents. You have a talent, or, more likely, several talents. But many people struggle with identifying what their talents are. Are you one of them?

Most people I talk to have specific assignments or areas of responsibility at work, are involved in after school projects, or excel in certain areas in school. Their involvement in these things indicates that they have a special talent or ability that they are using to be successful. Yet, to ask most of these people, they couldn't identify what their talent or ability is. Do you have this same problem?

In my work with churches, one of the things we try to do is match people's skills, abilities, talents, or gifts to a specific ministry of the church. For example, if someone does a lot of presenting at work, perhaps they would be a good teacher at church. If someone works in a charity, they might have talents that would help the church in its charitable outreach. Yet, this task is a struggle for most people as well, because most of us (me included) don't easily identify what our talents and abilities are.

If you are like me and many others, this simple challenge should open your eyes to your hidden talents and skills. The end result of this challenge, if you accept and accomplish it, should make you more successful. Here it is:

Make three lists. Your first list should consist of the skills you have. Think about every facet of your life--what do you do at work, can you do handiwork around the house, what jobs have you had in the past, what areas of responsibility do you have at church? Write down every skill you have, no matter how small or unimportant you think it is, and how you can apply the skill.

Write your second list, focusing on knowledge you have--what were you educated in, what have you learned specific to your work, what hobbies do you have that you learned something about, do you have a good understanding of human nature?

When you are done with that list, move on to your third list, which will consist of everyone you know. Write down everyone involved with your company, people you've worked with in the past, all family members, all friends regardless of where they live or how often you keep in contact with them, mentors, and people you do business with in your personal life.

Now that you have these three lists, keep them with you and add to them as more occurs to you. What should start to happen is that you will see yourself more positively. You will see that you have a lot of value to add, and many skills and talents and specialized knowledge. As you think about the people you know, skills and knowledge that you have will enter your mind as a way to help others.

These hidden secrets that you didn't know about yourself before you completed this challenge enable you to be more successful in life and in your dealings with people.

This article is adapted from a presentation by Jay Abraham, heard at Success University. Jeremy M. Hoover is a student at Success University. Enrolling at SU will teach you how to become more successful in life and business. For more information, go to