7 Tips to Make Public Speaking Easier

A survey was recently taken showing that the top fear is public speaking. The fear of death was later on down the list. Do you know what that means? It means most people would rather die that speak in public!

How about you ? How do you feel about public speaking?

Having coached thousands of people in the last 30 years , I can assure you that there is hope. Many of my clients were terrified of speaking in front of a group of people, then as they learned the 7 Tips they start to relax and even become exceptional at public speaking. I remember one client in particular who did such an about face, that by the end of the coaching, she decided to become a professional speaker!

Now you can learn the 7 Tips:

Tip 1: Normalize your fear. In other words, be aware that just about everyone shares this fear. It is normal in our society.

Tip2. Remember that your thoughts create your reality. If you tell yourself ,