A Better Approach to New Years Resolutions-Or Any Resolution


Let's face it: the truth about traditional New Years resolutions (and resolutions in general) is that they don't really work. Here is why: Most resolutions are little more than fancy-sounding "shoulds," or, at most, good intentions.

Good intentions by themselves rarely result in lasting change! They merely signify that we wish we had more motivation, readiness or willingness than we yet have. This is why making a resolution based on good intentions alone is a sure path to feeling inadequate, guilty, shameful, hopeless, or stupid later... once you realize you didn't succeed in making your resolution come true.

Fortunately, there IS a way to greatly improve your chances of having your resolutions come true. There are Four Secrets to Successful Resolutions:

1) UNDERSTAND THE CHANGE PROCESS: Know the sequence though which change happens;

2) IDENTIFY WHERE YOU ARE IN THE CHANGE PROCESS: Be impeccably honest with yourself about where you are in that sequence regarding the particular change you want to make

3) SELECT APPROPRIATE COMMITMENTS BASED ON WHERE YOU ARE: Select your "change commitments" based on where you ARE in that sequence, not based on where you WANT to be; and

4) ADDRESS YOUR SUCCESS OBJECTIONS: Address the blocks which may arise as you enact your "change commitment plan."

Harnessing these four secrets paves the way to the changes you desire.

Change occurs in a predictable eight-stage sequence. If you try to proceed out of sequence, you are likely to be inefficient and frustrated at best, or feel hopeless, defeated and give up at worst. The change sequence is: 1) Gleams; 2) Commitment; 3) Preparation; 4) Training; 5) Manifestation; 6) Anchoring; 7) Teamwork, and 8) Leadership.

1. GLEAMS: Gleams are about wanting the end (the goal) but not the means (what you'll have to do to achieve the goal). There