How to Make a Movie: Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (2005) Deconstructed

From our deconstruction of hundreds of Hollywood blockbusters at

The Hero's Journey is the template upon which the vast majority of successful stories and Hollywood blockbusters are based upon. In fact, ALL of the Hollywood movies we have deconstructed are based on this template.

Understanding this template is a priority for story or screenwriters.

The Hero's Journey:

a) Attempts to tap into unconscious expectations the audience has regarding what a story is and how it should be told.

b) Gives the writer more structural elements than simply three or four acts, plot points, mid point and so on.

c) Interpreted metaphorically, laterally and symbolically, allows an infinite number of varied stories to be created.

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Sample Movie Deconstructed: Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (2005)

FADE IN: Pushed into a Journey: the Germans blitz London.

Meeting the Shape Shifter: Edmund is always being told what to do.

Shape Shifter's Inner Challenge: Edmund misses his Dad.

Meeting the other Heroes: Peter, Susie, Edmund.

Departing on a Journey / Goodbye to the Old Self: with Ma at the train station.

Developing Characters and Relationships: the children together getting onto and in the train.

Meeting the Herald: Mrs. MacReady.

Viewing the New World from Afar: outside the house.

Entering a New World: the big house.

Rules of an Authority Figure: Mrs. MacReady tells them how it is.

Interdiction: never to touch the ornaments; never to disturb the Professor.

Fish out of Water: it's raining; they're bored.

Resistance to the First Threshold: oh no, not hide and seek!

Pulled toward the First Threshold: Lucy strangely drawn to the wardrobe.

Warning of the First Threshold / Breaking the Interdiction / Keep Out: the covered cupboard.

Threshold Marker: the door and fur coats.

New World of the First Threshold : snowy Narnia.

Outer Cave / Strange Creatures of the First Threshold / Trial: meeting Tumnus in the snow.

Foreboding: Tumnus looking around.

Middle Cave / Allies and Enemies: tea with Tumnus; the dancers in the fire.

Inner Cave: Tumnus is kidnapping Lucy for the White Witch.

Forced out of the First Threshold: Tumnus makes Lucy hurry back.

Resisting the Physical Separation: no one believes Lucy.

Developing Characters and Relationships: Peter argues with Edmund.

Pulled to the Physical Separation: Lucy drawn to the wardrobe again; Edmund follows this time.

Physical Separation: Both Edmund and Lucy enter Narnia.

Meeting the Antagonist and her Lieutenants: Edmund runs into the White Witch and Ginarrbrik.

Antagonist's Capabilities: Magic hot chocolate and Turkish Delight.

Antagonist and Shape Shifter Relationship: the White Witch and Edmund in her carriage.

Shape Shifter's Motivations: Edmund can be King of the Narnia and have as much Turkish Delight as he wants.

Polarization: Edmund doesn't hug Lucy.

Resisting the Trials / Shape Shifter Development: Edmund denies Lucy's story.

Meeting the Mentor: Lucy bumps into the Professor.

Mentor's Guidance: The Professor tells Peter and Susan that they should believe their younger sister.

Developing Characters and Relationships: playing cricket.

Old World Time and Symbol: the cricket ball.

Forced to the Transformation: running into the wardrobe to escape Mrs. MacReady.

Entering the World of the Transformation: they all enter Narnia.

Developing Characters and Relationships: Edmund is forced to say Sorry.

Transformation Begins / New Clothes: they all put on fur coats.

Trial 1: Tumnus' house is deserted.

Foreshadow of the Antagonist: Tumnus arrested by the White Witches Secret Police.

Foreboding: careful outside Tumnus' house.

Meeting the Mentor: Mr Beaver.

Doves / Resistance to the Mentor: Susan thinks they shouldn't follow Mr Beaver.

Pushed Forward: Lucy disagrees; they have to help Mr Tumnus.

Safe Haven from Afar: looking at the beaver house from afar.

Shape Shifter Development: Edmund looks at the two mountains.

Safe Haven: inside the Beaver house.

Mentor's Guidance: the Beaver's tell of the Prophecy.

Referencing the Sword: Aslan.

Separation: Edmund disappears.

Forced onto the Road of Trials: the Beaver's tell the children they have to go and meet Aslan.

Doves / Resistance to the Trials: Susan resists.

Antagonist's Lair: Edmund journeys toward the two mountains.

Antagonist's Evil Nature: the people turned into stone.

Antagonist's Lieutenants: Lead Wolf.

Antagonist's Lair: the Ice Castle.

Developing Characters and Relationships: the White Witch greets Edmund; Edmund tells her they're at the Beavers'

Trial 1: the Wolves pursue the children and the Beavers out of their house.

Developing the Antagonist: the White Witch has frozen Mr Beaver's best friend.

Developing the Lieutenants / Assisted by Allies: the Wolves threaten the fox.

Developing Characters and Relationships: around the fire.

Referencing the Sword: Aslan.

Foreshadow of the Resolution: the Witch learns about Aslan.

Shape Shifter Deciding: Edmund meets Tumnus in the cells; Witch threatens Edmund.

Shape Shifter Epiphany: Edmund realises he gave them away for some sweeties.

Preparing for Trial 3: Aslan is over there.

Difficulty: it is so far away.

Antagonist Developed: Edmund sees that Tumnus is frozen.

Red Herring: the children pursued by the carriage; they hide.

Meeting a Mentor: it's Father Christmas.

Magical Gifts: the Sword; the potion; the horn and arrows.

Pushed to Trial 3: the river is melting; crossing the river while it's still icy.

Doves / Pulled Back: Susan thinks they should go back.

Foreshadow of the Near Death Experience: Peter not ready to kill the wolf with his sword.

Saved by the Magical Gift: Peter's sword saves them.

Transformation Progressing: flowers are blooming.

Developing the Antagonist: the fox is frozen.

Shape Shifter forced to decide: pick a side.

Transformation Progressing: New Clothes / Look for the Children.

Entering the World of the Sword: Aslan's camp.

Guardian of the Sword: the half-man-half-horse guard.

Seizing the Sword: Meeting Aslan.

Pushed to the Near Death Experience: Peter must do as Aslan instructs.

Developing Characters and Relationships: Susan and Lucy; before you got boring.

Forced to the Near Death Experience: Susan and Lucy captured by the wolves; Peter kills the lead wolf.

Foreshadow of the Crossing the Return Threshold: Aslan tells the animals to hunt the wolves and bring Edmund.

Reward: Peter is Knighted.

Foreshadow of the Resolution: the Witch gathers her army; Edmund is kidnapped.

Convergence: Edmund taken back in the fold.

Atonement with the Father: Edmund has seen what the White Witch can do; they can't leave them behind.

Developing Capabilities: the children practice with their weapons.

Apotheosis: the White Witch calls on Aslan; she demands the blood of Edmund.

Ultimate Boon: Edmund is free.

Magic Flight: Aslan makes his way to the Stone Table at night.

Refusal: Aslan refuses to fight back and is killed.

Disgust / Denial: Susan and Lucy weep.

Time Pressure: there is no turning back; the Witches armies are ready.

Preparing for the Final Confrontation: Peter readies the armies.

Antagonist's Forces Dominant: outnumbered.

Engagement: the battle begins.

Rescue from Without: Aslan lives again; the laws of an older magic.

Crossing the Return Threshold: Aslan reawakens all the frozen dead, including Tumnus.

Antagonist Winning: the Witch rides through the wall of fire; her other forces arrive.

Antagonist Confident: she overpowers all that attack her, including Edmund.

Master of the Two Worlds: Aslan et al arrive. Witch defeated.

Celebration: hugs.

Magic Potions: Lucy helps the wounded, including Edmund.

Freedom to Live / Transformation Complete: the children are crowned.

Mentor Disappears: Aslan disappears.

Return to the Old World: they walk back through the wardrobe.

Old World Symbol: the cricket ball.

Return / Transformation cannot occur via same route twice: not that way.

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