Building Screenplays: One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest (1975) Deconstructed

From our deconstruction of hundreds of Hollywood blockbusters at

The Hero's Journey is the template upon which the vast majority of successful stories and Hollywood blockbusters are based upon. In fact, ALL of the Hollywood movies we have deconstructed are based on this template.

Understanding this template is a priority for story or screenwriters.

The Hero's Journey:

a) Attempts to tap into unconscious expectations the audience has regarding what a story is and how it should be told.

b) Gives the writer more structural elements than simply three or four acts, plot points, mid point and so on.

c) Interpreted metaphorically, laterally and symbolically, allows an infinite number of varied stories to be created.

and more...

Sample Movie Deconstructed: One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest (1975)

FADE IN: Meeting the Antagonist: Nurse Ratched arrives.

Ordinary World: the Institution.

Entering a New World: Mac arrives.

Creatures of this New World: people watching.

Threshold Guardians: the guards.

Developing the Hero: Mac jumps about.

Developing the Antagonist: Ratched issues Mac's clothes.

Meeting the Loyal Ally / Sidekick: Chief's Inner Challenge: he never says anything; he can't hear.

Developing the Hero: Mac talks to everyone playing cards.

Hero's Capabilities: Mac a dab hand with cards.

Meeting the Mentor: Mac meets the Doc.

Hero's Backstory: the Doc reads Mac's report; Five arrests for assault; statutory rape; been faking craziness to get out of the work detail.

Pushed to the First Threshold: they're going to study him.

Developing the Antagonist: Ratched leads the exercise class and the meeting.

Resisting the First Threshold: Mac doesn't speak; shuffles the cards.

Outer Cave: Rule of an Authority: everyone in the circle starts up.

Foreshadow of the Trials: the bus.

Middle Cave: Meeting Allies and Enemies: Playing basketball with the Chief and the antagonistic Orderly.

Developing the Antagonist: Ratched watches.

Inner Cave:

Illegal gambling, Mac playing poker with cigarettes.

Confronting Ratched so that people can talk.

Mac resists the Medication. Ratched can arrange that he take it some other way.

Mac pretends to take the medicine.

Call to Adventure: one week I can put a bug up her ass.

Resisting the Physical Separation: only three people raise their hands.

Pushing to the Physical Separation: Mac sprays everyone with the water; is going into town to watch the World Series.

Pushed to the Physical Separation: everyone bets on whether Mac can do it.

Elixir / Resistance to the Physical Separation / Foreshadow of the Resolution: Mac can't lift the sink.

Physical Separation: ten hands raised but Ratched won't let them watch the game.

Pushed forward by Mentors: Mac is interviewed and going to stay a while longer.

Trial 1: Mac goes over the fence, into the bus, picks up Candy, gets the boat and takes the boys fishing.

Developing the Antagonist: Mac ain't sick, but he's dangerous; Ratched makes sure he is committed.

Developing the Ally: teaching and playing basketball; the Chief puts the ball in.

Trial 2: Mac realizes that he's in until they decide to let him go; most of the boys are voluntary.

Trial 3: Cheswick et al rebel; give him a goddamn cigarette.

Pushed to the Sword: Mac fights the guard; the Chief helps.

Resisting the Near Death Experience: Cheswick take away.

Seizing the Sword: the Chief speaks.

Near Death Experience: Cheswick reappears sedated; Mac is given electric shock treatment.

Reward: Mac is OK; he's happy to be back.

Foreshadow of the Apotheosis: Mac calls Candy; bring the car and some booze.

Atonement with the Father: the Chief can't leave.

Apotheosis: $20, a promise and the girls are allowed in; Mac distributes the booze.

Resistance to the Boon: the supervisor.

Inner Challenges conquered: Christmas celebrations; booze; dancing.

Goodbye to the Old Self: Mac says goodbye.

Ultimate Boon: Billy gets to bed Candy.

Billy's Inner Challenge resolved: he stops stuttering.

Developing the Antagonist: Ratched threatens to tell his mother.

Refusal: please don't tell my mother.

Magic Flight: Mac opens the window.

Rescue from Without: Billy kills himself.

Crossing the Return Threshold: Mac tries to kill Ratched.

Master of Two Worlds: the Legend of Mac; Mac is out; Mac is upstairs.

Freedom to Live: the Chief kills Mac, lifts the sink and escapes.

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