Building Stories: Chicago (2002) Deconstructed

From our deconstruction of hundreds of Hollywood blockbusters at

The Hero's Journey is the template upon which the vast majority of successful stories and Hollywood blockbusters are based upon. In fact, ALL of the Hollywood movies we have deconstructed are based on this template.

Understanding this template is a priority for story or screenwriters.

The Hero's Journey:

a) Attempts to tap into unconscious expectations the audience has regarding what a story is and how it should be told.

b) Gives the writer more structural elements than simply three or four acts, plot points, mid point and so on.

c) Interpreted metaphorically, laterally and symbolically, allows an infinite number of varied stories to be created.

and more...

Sample Movie Deconstructed: Chicago (2002)

FADE IN: Context: Jazz era.

Foreshadow of the Shape Shifter: Velma arrives.

Shape Shifter 's Capabilities: don't worry, I can do it alone.

Meeting the Shape Shifter: Velma sings " that Jazz" on her own.

Meeting the Hero: Roxie watches Velma.

Foreshadow of the Journey: Cops waiting for Velma.

Dissuaded from the Journey: lets go babe.

Developing the Hero: Roxie takes her 'brother' home.

Pushing toward the Journey: don't you think it's time I met your friend?

Warning: wake up, you're never gonna have a show and I'm just a furniture salesman.

Call to Adventure: Roxie shoots Fred.

Foreshadow of the Transformation: Roxie sees herself as a dancer in the mirror.

Meeting the Fool: Amos takes the blame for the murder.

Foreshadow of the Transformation: Roxie dancing.

Developing the Fool [lyrics]: Amos.

Developing the Hero [lyrics]: Roxie's character.

Refusal: the cops don't believe Amos did it.

Pushed to the First Threshold: Roxie arrested; taken to jail.

Meeting and developing the Mentor: Matron Morton.

Resisting the Outer Cave: I don't think I belong here.

Foreshadow of the Journey: Velma gives Morton some money for the publicity.

Rules of the Cave: when you're good to mama, mama's good to you.

Middle Cave / Meeting Allies: the other inmates and their crimes; "