Power Bars Are Just Expensive Candy Bars

Do you think an Energy Bar will make you energetic, or that a Power Bar will build muscle? That's what their marketers want you to believe.

All foods give you calories (energy), but if you don't move and burn the calories you eat, you will store them as fat. How many Energy Bars do you think they'd sell if they called them Calorie Bars?

If you're running a marathon, cycling 100 miles or hiking all day, energy bars are a convenient way to get the calories you need. But if you're sitting at a desk feeling sleepy, the last thing you need is an "Energy Bar"! That blast of refined carbohydrates and sugar will raise your blood sugar, causing you to pump out insulin, store the calories as fat and feel tired and hungry again in half an hour.

Protein does not build muscle. YOU have to work against resistance to build muscle. When you build muscle, you use protein from the food you eat, but any extra protein you eat is stored as fat. A reasonably varied diet provides plenty of protein. If you are doing heavy weight training, you can eat a little more tuna, milk, beans or any other food source of protein. Protein bars, shakes and supplements are not better than food.

Energy bars are made of sugar, refined carbohydrates and fats, fortified with small amounts of vitamins and minerals