Lending Anything You Care About to Anyone - The Top 10 Guidelines

1. Are there items in your life which for any reason you just do not want to lend to anyone? Know which they are.

2. Does the requester have a borrowing history and if so, what does that lead you to expect?

3. How well does the requester look after their own belongings?

4. Share exactly how you feel about the item and how you would respond if it were lost or damaged.

This is particularly important for anything with low material worth but incredibly high sentimental or other value.

5. Ensure the requester has whatever is necessary to transport the item safely and protect it appropriately.

6. Keep a record of items borrowed from you and by whom.

Ever had a phantom memory? Ensure you are not in the position of having to ask all your friends if it is they who borrowed your left-handed whats it.

7. Agree and record the date by which it will be returned.

And it will be returned by the borrower, won't it?

8. Point out any components which are small or fragile, easily lost or broken. and whether they can be replaced.

9. Share with the borrower any idiosyncracies of the item regarding its use, care or maintenance.

10. When the item is returned, check it out together so you are both confident it is in exactly the same condition as before and nothing is missing. Then ensure your record list is updated, immediately!

Copyright CoachVille


Martin Sawdon of Coaching-Works! has a passion for the creation of super-successful organizations - Sustainable Workplaces