The Principle of Alignment

The next step to helping you become a great shot-maker! The Alignment.

Concept Golf is the simplest and most complete approach to the golf swing and the entire game. There are only five swing principles. They are principles in that they are the cause of every effect in the golf swing. Concept Golf really is a discovery of the principles and therefore a definition of the golf swing.

The discovery of these principles has taken years, roughly 50 years. I learned or was told that the one-liners were the foundation of the golf swing. You know; head down, left arm straight, eye on the ball, slow backswing, turn in a barrel and NEVER look up.

After many years as a good golfer, including 5 years on the PGA Tour I began not only to question those teaching ideas but look for more reasonable swing ideas that were the truth and that actually helped golfers hit good shots. The five Concept Golf swing principles are the result of my playing at a high level with great players, teaching golfers for 25 years and much inspiration.

I know these principles are right. They have helped countless golfers improve their shot making