Big Judgments on Little Information - Understanding How Your Customers Think

Your consumers are bombarded everyday with thousands of brand images and sales pitches. "In order to survive the onslaught of choices, consumers make snap judgments."

I read this in a book that was recommended to me entitled All Marketers Are Liars. What's fascinating about most of us is that we consistently make judgments on very little information. In effect, consumers absorb little bits of information (like seeing your logo or business card) and then make judgments and predictions about your business based on the little input they've been exposed to.

Don't believe me?

Well, have you ever made up your mind about a political candidate without ever meeting her/him? How about picking a movie based on the ads in the paper? If you shop online, do you make a decision on how reputable the company is based on their Web site? Yep, we all make snap decisions. This is the reason that speed dating has been so popular and effective for people