Read This Article If You Think There Is Life On Mars

It is truly amazing that we have allowed religion to cloud our judgment so much on the debate of whether or not there is life on Mars. There is life of course and probably complex life forms too.

While scientists debate over what type of microbes live their some religious groups say that it is impossible for microbes to live on Mars. Yet for there to be no microbes on Mars being this close to us and knowing that our two planets have traded material via meteorites or other venues is truly impossible.

It seems rather bizarre that anyone would even attempt to argue the point that God (assuming that there is such) only put life on Earth therefore there is no life on Mars. In fact for someone to even makes such an absurd statement such as that; well one would have to wonder which century we are living in now in the present period, as surely we have come further than this in our understanding of science and the world we live in.

No wonder Copernicus was treated the way he was, and to that point one could say, well we sure haven