Biofeedback a Powerful Alternative for Controlling Your Pain

Have you ever used biofeedback? You may not realize what biofeedback is or how beneficial it can be. Most people do not understand that they use biofeedback techniques almost everyday. For example, have you ever used a mirror? A mirror is a common form of biofeedback. You could not do a good job of putting on make up, shaving, combing your hair, or learning how to make a face without the feedback of your reflection from the mirror. This is a simple form of biofeedback.

Biofeedback is the use of equipment or techniques that can feed back to you information about what is going on inside or outside your body. If you use this information to adjust your activity then you are using biofeedback. Any system in your body that be actually monitored can be controlled! You can learn to control your heart rate, blood pressure, even your perspiration with biofeedback training.

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