Perpetuating Gift

During this incredible time of year I am compelled by my every encounter to do good to all those I come in contact with. This year as in years passed I ask myself, what is it that has unhardened my hart? And not just me, but seemingly all of mankind is brought to consider that which is holy. I have seen mercy extended by the merciless, kindness from the hard man, charity from the miser and peace from the war monger. Radio stations usually dedicated to propitious propaganda and vile content play Christmas music, siblings take on extra jobs and spend hard earned money not on themselves but delight in the joy their gifts may bring to another. Long and festering grudges seem to melt away in the warmth of forgiving kindness. Black sheep are welcomed back into the fold with loving arms. We are led to consider those less fortunate and joy in giving as we see not the dross of society but our brothers and sisters.

What a profound influence that babe in Bethlehem born over 2000 years ago has had on the world and yet continues to have. Surly Christians and non-Christians can appreciate the goodness and peace perpetuated as we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. Perhaps the goodness demonstrated during the Christmas season is a reminder to all of us of how we ought to act. Perhaps we are once more the recipients of yet another gift of Jesus of Nazareth, perhaps our souls are lifted up at this glorious time as a reminder of our divine potential.

May God look upon us and see that spark of the divine reflected in our souls as we turn our faces toward our beloved Redeemer and may we carry the Christmas spirit in our harts forever. God bless you and yours and may we all magnify the spirit of the season by giving of ourselves.