Job Hunting: Tips for Finding that Dream Job

Job hunting is one of the toughest "jobs" out there! Many people get out of high school or college and begin their search for their first career-oriented job. There are three simple steps to follow to find a great job; they may seem pretty obvious, but they are overlooked by hundreds of people every day.

First, know what you want to do. There are times when you might settle temporarily for a job to make ends meet; but know what you love and know what you're eventually looking to do. The clarity of your intentions will help focus your job search.

Employers always want to know that you have goals, even if they also know that means you will move on from them someday. Having goals and dreams doesn't make you less desirable for employers - they prefer to employ self- motivated people with goals and plans.

Second, you need a smashing resume! Resume services can run anywhere from $150 to $1,000. This may seem pretty steep, but if that resume is what leads to an interview that eventually gets you a $150,000 per year job, wouldn't you say the investment definitely paid off?

In order to be sure that you get a quality resume, get recommendations from friends. If they know someone good, you should probably hire them. However, if you must go with an unknown, be sure that the person you hire is a member of the Professional Association of Resume Writers (PARW) or another association. This membership binds them to a certain code of ethics.

In addition, you can choose someone using Square Trade or another seal of professionalism and quality; these types of companies offer dispute resolution services.

Finally, prepare for your interview. Learn as much as possible about the companies where you will be interviewing, and dress the part for success in their company when you go to the interview. In addition, be friendly toward the secretary when you're making calls to set up your appointment and when you are waiting. They may not determine whether you get to the job, but they can decide how comfortable the job will be for you.

Once you are well prepared, you'll be able to go in, speak intelligently, and sell yourself. Make sure the potential employer knows EXACTLY why you are the perfect person for this job! Follow these steps and you'll be on your way.

Dana Kersey, internet publisher and counselor is a contributing writer for Fab U Jobs, offering valuable free information to help advance your career. Articles by Dana are also found at Yes Education and You Go College.