DOJ Lies to the American People Again

The Martha Stewart case is a perfect example of how the Justice System and DOJ really work in this nation. It is not so much as Truth, Justice and the American Way, as a Public Relations game that we play against ourselves, trying to prove that every thing is okay? Well it is not, as something is rotten in Denmark. In fact the DOJ lied under oath in the Martha Stewart case and was charging her with lying in the first place, does anyone see the hypocrisy here? All this so Americans could feel good about the war on Corporate Corruption? Well I do not feel so good about DOJ corruption, so what are we going to do about that? Why not roll some heads at the DOJ for their scandalous activities and history shows there are plenty of them too.

The DOJ did so much damage to them selves over that stupid move that it is going to continue to cause a shock wave of mistrust in our government. It is reminiscent of the FTC case and attack on Bill Gates. Sickening. Stupid DOJ? Some say the DOJ is worthless in every regard. No wonder this backlash of mistrust in the justice system.

How can those who swear to uphold our Constitution attack the only people who really give a damn, attacking those with passion who are fully engaged in their freedom and opportunities while others piss it away and complain? The rule of law and the DOJ, well it seems to be lie and the Martha Stewart case is another splotch on our Nation. The DOJ has dishonored every thing this nation stands for and all our family names. Justice my rear end, it is a complete sham on the American People.

We do not need a DOJ which think it is okay to attack free enterprise, capitalism, freedom or liberty. To hell with anyone who thinks they can steal the best of what this country has to offer, because they are not with us and more resemble international terrorists for the harm they case, sickening, it truly makes me want to puke my spaghetti lunch on the Flag. Surely we stand for more than this.

Martha Stewart deserves the Congressional Medal of Honor for what our government has put her through. Forget her liberal political views that has nothing to do with it, as nearly everyone in New York holds such views. She is an entrepreneur and we need her as an example for America, you do not go and slam someone like that. Martha Stewart is a great woman, successful because this is America and there is no finer example. Think on this.

Lance Winslow - EzineArticles Expert Author

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