Getting The Facts On Beautiful Oriental Area Rugs And Antique Oriental Rugs

If you are looking for a beautiful carpet for a special room in your home, consider Oriental rugs which have been recognized for centuries because of their warmth and intricate designs. Many people, who decorate using traditional decors, often select antique oriental rugs to accent their home. Oriental area rugs are handmade rather than mass produced and are known to be extremely durable and long lasting. Oriental rugs are often made from natural fibers such as wool, silk or cotton. They become works of art and you will cherish your rug for years to come.

Oriental rugs often appear to be expensive when compared to machine made rugs. But what makes them so valuable is the fact that they are handmade and often the material they are made of. You will not find antique oriental rugs made of synthetic blends. The beauty of oriental area rugs comes from their designs and colors. Each one is unique and playful as the pattern changes direction without warning.

Oriental rugs come from a number of areas in the world rich in the tradition of rug weaving. These countries include India, western China, Central Asia, Iran, Caucasus and Turkey. Today, these areas continue to export oriental area rugs around the world so that everyone has the opportunity to enjoy them in their home.

Amy-Jo Strutt is a successful home renovating writer and regular contributor to - An online resource to help you find the very best in area rugs including Oriental rugs and other flooring.