A Choice : Making the Best One for Your New Puppy

In this article, I will discuss the pros and cons to the dilemma that dog buyers find themselves. Where should I buy my new pet? After you have decided that you can properly take the responsibility to care for another life, and the breed you would like. There comes the issue where do I get my new pet?
There are options:

  • From relatives or friends
  • Street corners
  • Newspaper ads
  • Internet sites
  • Local pet stores
  • Corporate pet stores (caution beware of puppy mills)
  • Dog rescues
  • Veterinaries
  • Small Family Breeders
  • Big Time Breeders

    There are many issues with each of the above choices; you will need to make a logical decision from those sources and choice the best for your particular needs.

    What you need to do if you are serious about making the best choice for you is to list pros and cons for each and determine which you can live with. Let