Advertise Your Online Business- Genuine Information Is A Need

Looking back in the past few years, where I was looking some on-line business to perform. I learned to make Web pages, learned to get into Affiliate programs, learned how to advertise on the Internet from resources that I can get from the Internet free or even paid. By using my free time to learn all this from the Internet at home was like a "Fish Getting Into Waters", so comfortable for me as well as to passed my idling time.

Well, you should have guessed that, have met too much hypes and scams that says "Strike For Millions", "Blast Your Ads To Millions"; Brought products that says "Shoot Your Web-page Rocket-High" formula. Yet... my web-site was still on the ground, didn't shoot rocket-high, in fact at the very last page of those Search Engines' result pages, unless there was no other competitor's page or just a few of them which also means no Niche at all.

However, I didn't give up and continue to try, test and evaluate free and paid products and information even after a certain period of frustration. The positive sides of those failures are, I am immune for all those scams. Yes, now I know how to distinct those genuine program, genuine information, genuine advertising skills, genuine lecturer against the "Join us, Just Be Persistent And You Will Be Millionaire Soon" programs (You should have seen a lot from the Internet too). I've experienced all that. (More to be seen in our years of surfing on the net).

So.... the conclusion is, before you get into something, learn from a genuine source that have a findable company names with address and phone number(s), the name of the lecturer. Best if he/she has their photos published, and try to get more information from the Internet search by their names, company names, and from some other well-knowns' recommendation, if you can feel their abilities to help you (whether free or paid), then it shouldn't be a problem to go for it then. Otherwise, BEWARE that once you've paid the money for their products, information or programs, a short time later, you don't even hear them, let alone their updates and supports.

You might have received a cool website issued from those companies, but think, although Internet traffics travels like speed of lightning, and you have been supplied with the most beautiful market place on-line, yet who will even visit it, apart from those thousand-million web-pages on the Internet if, there is no on-line advertising, no Search Engine Optimization, no direct links, no Words Of Mouth recommendation, no offline advertising blah blah blah?! You are the one to click your website everyday.

Getting those business websites without knowing any technical advertising skills is like buying a beautiful on-line "White-Elephant" for your very own private uses... (Buy something will you?!) WORST! If there is nothing to buy! Just a beautiful website to gain another "White-Elephant" owner by MIRACLE for a same website like yours that cannot even lay an egg when you are hungry! Chuck chuck chuck...!

If you have received some unsolicited emails for business opportunity, please wait a while and check it often. Quite a lot of them will be down within a year, or probably half a year! You