Do you want Success in 90 Days, 180 days or in 2006?

What is your goal setting choice?

Do you have the luxury to wait to set your Goals?

Success is a process that starts when you take ACTION.

For a lifetime of Dreams and Goals accomplishments you must take a Focused Actions that are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic with a time frame associated with them.

They are called SMART Goals.

I had a goal of being retired when I was 50. I achieved that goal but since I was not specific enough, my wish was achieved but not my Dream.

I was retired on disability.

I wanted to be drinking sweet ice tea on some island beach resort without a care in the world.

To make matters worse: I had a Heart attack on my Birthday.

To make matters more tragic,

I had to have Open Heart, quadruple By-pass surgery after that.

The doctor said that I could have another Heart attack or stroke at any time. I could become totally disabled or die at any second.

The doctor told my wife that she had one-hour to get all of our affairs in order.

How will that mess up your Goal planning?

The point of this story is that that we never know how much time we have to accomplish what we think we are after in this lifetime.

How much time do we actually have?

We just don