Private Sector Needed to Win the War

The war in Spam is over seas and the insurgents are coming from outside our borders. The Federal Trade Commission says it is impotent in reducing Viagra Ads in your inbox and in the War in Spam, because it has no jurisdiction there. The information highway is littered with roadside bombs and the weapons of anti-SPAM technology are evolving as fast as the Spammers.

Commercial software, SPAM Filters, and ISP tools are helping but businesses especially small ones are severely hurt. The Department of Justices Federal Trade Commissions Consumer Protection Division is a complete disaster on the war in SPAM having (in three years since the induction of the CAN SPAM Act in 2003) only defined it and further defined the problems it is causing.

The FTC instead points to new sources and methods of SPAMMERS and a new trend where SPAMMERS are hackers who hijack systems to use for spamming and sending malicious code. Indeed these are issues, but may I ask in three years what on God's Earth has the FTC done for the American People in the War in SPAM? Not a darn thing is what we are told in their recent report to Congress.

So may I ask why we are wasting taxpayer