Scrying - a Modern Look at an Ancient Art

Scrying, the art of gaining telepathic information by gazing into crystals, began thousands of years ago. Ancient civilizations revered crystals, believing they had magical powers. The people thought that the gods would deliver mystical wisdom to the meditator through the stones. Battles, travel, healing, diets, and even decisions about the ruling of kingdoms were often planned according to wisdom imparted to scryers from their stones. Today the art of scrying is still widely practiced, but has lost a bit of it's mystery as we have gained knowledge of the reactions between energy and crystals.

We now know that crystals vibrate with their own frequencies. They also absorb frequencies they are exposed to and can actually store this input within them. The stone has the capability to amplify these vibrations as well. Scientists actually use crystals to slow the speed of light, and many are used in communication devices. Because of their capacity to store energy information much as your brain does, crystals are also being used in the construction of a new type of computer. It is the capacity of the crystal to play back stored information in the form of energy for your brain to pick up and decipher that gives the crystal its