Writers Need A Marketing Plan Too

You're a writer. If your work is good enough, people will throw money at you, right?

Yes they will, but they need to know that you exist. And this means that you need a marketing plan. What marketing works best? All marketing works. But you need to keep at it, even when you seem to be getting zero results.

Let's imagine a couple of scenarios. Writer A wants to be a fulltime writer. She knows that in order to do this, she needs to sell X number of articles, and sell a book proposal a year. Writer A knows that in addition to writing the works, she will need to market them. Writer A creates a marketing plan. It takes her 30 minutes on her computer. She decides that she will send out five article proposals a week, and she will research and write a book proposal.

She slots the time to do those things into her daily schedule. She knows that these tasks are non-negotiable. No matter what happens, she will perform those tasks every day. Even on her worst day, when her car breaks down, her child needs to go to the hospital, and she has a killer migraine.

Writer B wants to be a fulltime writer too. Like Writer A, she knows that she will have to sell X articles, and sell a book proposal. Writer B doesn