99% Fat Free - Are You a Victim of this Marketing Campaign?

Ever noticed the number of products of the shelves that are 99% fat free. Food companies have used the fear of fat to promote their products & have created a society who fear eating fat. Is it working? Are we becoming a healthy & slimmer society by consuming these products?

The problem is that people often equate dietary fat to body fat & they are two different things altogether. To understand why the reduced fat food has not had the results people are looking for, you need to understand a bit more about food & the nutrition our bodies require. The body is very complex & needs fat, protein & carbohydrate to maintain health.

Eating fat does not necessarily lead to storing fat, the body will convert any excess food it cannot utilise for energy into stored fat, regardless of which food group it comes from.

Fat is a concentrated energy source that is vital for our heath & wellbeing. Each of the cells in our body is either sealed by or made up of fat. Fat is required to help the body absorb vitamins & to maintain a healthy body. The main groups of fatty acids are monounsaturated, polyunsaturated & saturated.