And Now the News

I'm Tom and this is Barbara and this is the news. Sources close to the White House today announced that a US Senator has been indicted for tax evasion. Later in the broadcast the Senator's name and the amounts involved will be revealed. And now this. (Loud rap ad selling cars).

A terrible tragedy has occurred in a midwestern state. Four children have been hospitalized for botulism and are on the critical list. The suspect cans of tuna have been identified and at some time today the numbers on the cans of poison tuna will be aired. We feel that it is important that these identifying numbers I have in my hand are announced publicly for the safety of the American population, so tune in to the evening news. Are you having periodical trouble with regularity? Listen to this. (Ad with no mention of prunes).

An Australian man has completed the longest journey in a row boat across a major ocean. His name and whether he will survive on a later segment. Here's a suggestion and a breakthrough for that old problem "lack of sleep" and it contains no chemicals. (The world including us is made up of chemicals).

A new cancer fighting drug has been announced by a major drug company. I