Two Natural Ways To Deal With Anxiety Or Panic

Natural home remedies are practical ways to keep anxieties under control. You shall discover new ways to attain wellness - ways that are as close to nature as possible.

A lot of people combine conventional means with alternative measures in finding cures to anxieties. This is a good idea. This combination is better known as complementary therapies.

A lot of practitioners agree to the benefits that can be derived from this fusion. Here are the alternative techniques designed specifically to cure anxiety and panic attacks.


This alternative field of medicine dates back to ancient Egypt where it is used for maintaining health and a whole lot of other purposes. It focuses on healing through our sense of smell. This wonder cure deals with essential oils derived from botanical plants.

These essential oils can be added to a bath or massaged to the skin, spread out into a room by evaporation, or can be inhaled directly. You can fuse together two or more oils to produce your own personalized scent. The possibilities are endless.

Essential oils have powerful effects that stimulate our smell instinct. It relieves tension and fatigue, and gives us an invigorating feeling. Our sense of smell is directly connected to the brain. A life deprived of invigorating scent can lead to a dull one; and in turn, can lead to an anxious and depressive mood. Aromatherapy is one effective solution to counter these emotional imbalances.

Essential oils come in a variety of scents. The most effective ones are peppermint, lavender, floral, tea tree, citrus, and rosemary. Revolving around any of these six scents can help induce relaxation by relieving tension and stress.

When it comes to relieving anxiety and panic attacks, the most recommended essential oil would be lavender. Store lavender in a bottle and keep it handy for instant relief against anxiety and panic attacks. Storage should be in a cool, dark place.

You may do either any of the following:
1. Inhale straight from the bottle.
2. Put 3 to 5 drops in a hankie or towel before smelling it.
3. Mix about 40 drops of essential oil to an aroma lamp (if you prefer to fill the air in the room with an aromatic scent). You can adjust the dosage depending on how mild you want the scent to be.
4. Mix about 5 to 6 drops in a tub for a soothing bath. At any rate, the inhalation process should be gradual and deep.

Flower Remedy/Essence Therapy

Flower Remedy/ Essence Therapy is the branch of alternative medicine that uses treatment derived from distilled blooming flowers and plants. This type of therapy is specifically advantageous in curing and preventing disorders related to the emotion.

Modern tradition of healing with flowers and plants can be attributed to Dr. Edward Bach, an English physician who in the early part of the 1930s tried to find cures for anxiety and emotional disorders, without the side effects of drugs. Dr. Bach noticed that the physical health of an individual gets impaired as a result of psychological imbalances.

His search was concentrated in nature. In the process, he discovered 38 flowering plants and trees that lessen and soothe emotional disturbances. These 38 essences form the basis of today