

Understanding acne and the different types of acne people suffer from can help in determining what methods of acne control should be attempted without worsening the condition or possibly causing permanent damage to the skin. The medical community has had no luck in pinpointing the exact cause of acne and a single effective method for acne control, but the source of acne has been discovered to be the sebaceous glands. The sebaceous glands release an oil that turns into a firm white matter known as sebum. This sebum moves to the entrance of the hair follicles and bursts through the surface of the skin. Acne and blackheads are often the result of sebum on the skin.

Acne can be severe or mild and often require very different methods of acne control. The less severe form of acne is known as non-inflammatory acne where an individual experiences an occasional pimple or blackhead without excessive breakouts. Inflammatory acne affects almost everyone at some point, usually during his or her teen years. The only time non-inflammatory acne can be bothersome is if a person squeezes and picks at his or her acne, which could lead to infection and possible scarring.

A more severe and often unsightly form of acne is inflammatory acne. Inflammatory acne can make an individual quite self-conscious and always looking for the latest form of acne control. Inflammatory acne is characterized by plenty of pimples and pocks on the face as well as other parts of the body including the back, neck, chest and even groin. This type of acne can be quite uncomfortable and ultimately cause scarring. When all types of over the counter acne control products have been tried, most people with inflammatory acne must use prescription medication and even surgery in order to obtain acne control.

Anyone who suffers from acne can do try a number of different ways to control acne and prevent it from returning. Although a connection between diet and acne has not been able to be established, some people have had success in acne control by changing their diet. Buy reducing the amount of fatty foods and sugar that is consumed, acne may thin out. The introduction of natural fruits and vegetables as well as whole grains into a person