The Solution to Your Problems: Rise Above the Trouble Zone

If you find yourself in the midst of turmoil, conflict, or any undesirable situation, and wish to move out of it, what is required is a rise in vibrational frequency back to the higher frequencies of Oneness, above the level where trouble can exist. Trouble only exists where there are forces in conflict. In Oneness, there is only One, so no conflict is possible. How do you rise in frequency back to the Oneness Matrix? Step out of duality, the reality matrix characterized by forces in conflict, align yourself with Source, and allow Life Force (also known as Love) to move through you. The greater the flow of Life Force through you, the higher your frequency. The higher your frequency, the less turmoil you're subject to.

Whenever you are experiencing turmoil, it means that your frequency has dropped into the trouble zone of duality, which is the realm of the ego. A reduction in frequency means that there has been a diminution of the flow of Love in and through you because your ego has gotten involved and is blocking the flow. So you simply need to unblock the flow by decommissioning your ego. Your ego is the aspect of you that is committed to duality, and when ego gets involved in your experience through worry, judgment, defensiveness, or other fear-based thoughts and manipulations, the flow of Love is blocked and your frequency drops, keeping you vulnerable to turmoil.

In order to remove the block to the frequency-raising flow of Life Force, you must become aware of what's going on within you so you can make a conscious decision to tune out and disregard the inharmonious, defensive messages of your ego, thus withdrawing yourself from the realm of good and bad, right and wrong, and opposition, including