Love Poems Make Everybody Happy

There is no dearth of love poems in Sanskrit Language. In fact, thousands of verses can be cited for each and every mood of the lover. From the hundreds of poems I have collected, given below are three poems that are beautiful and moving. The poems make everybody happy. Lover is addressing a Bee!
It is not the water lily, but her eye;
No lotus but her face;
And this is no bandhuka blossom
but her lip which bears the flowers selfsame pink
I too did err at first, Oh Bee;
How much the more should you
But give over your effort. Leave them, leave;
You work in vain
This beautiful poem has been written by Rajasekhara, (English
translation by Daniel H.H.Ingalls)

Admiring the beauty of the girl the lover is addressing the bee and
confesses that he too committed a mistake by thinking her lip as the
beautiful flower. Eye is like water lily, the face is like lotus and
the lip is like bandhuka!
The botanical name of the flower bandhuka is Pentapetes phoenica. It
blossoms in the afternoon and falls in the next morning. From its color
it serves as a simile for rising sun, red jewels, but especially for
the girl