The Universal Social Contract

Every society is essentially an average of its individual members. Experience has taught us if we improve the education of our selves and our children, we improve the education of our society. Societies everywhere emphasize education if they possibly can. (With some very notable exceptions.) If through care less ness, we create anger and resentment in ourselves and others, we create a criminal society. Wise people avoid this. Fools encourage it. We can observe this playing out on the global stage today. We can also see it in our neighborhoods. To make social progress, the wise must effectively counter and reverse foolishness. To do so requires knowing the difference, which is seldom a function of formal education.

We have been deceived by professional educators who decide what we should learn and what is non essential. The crush for knowledge has eclipsed the need for understanding. The most essential tools for understanding are dismissed by professionals as drivel and the truth of the matter remains hidden to the members of society. Just as professionals discount whatever they have been taught to discount by other professionals, we must now learn to discount the professionals. They have huge gaps in their understanding, they only pass along.

Too soon old. Too late smart. This clich