Hurricane Zeta Forms, as Shell Shocked Hurricane Victims Rebuild

As New Orleans waits on its funds, some 3.1 Billion Dollars to rebuild its historic Levee System, they are trying to put the death and devastation behind them. Just when we all thought that the horrific record breaking 2005 Tropical Atlantic Hurricane Season was over now Hurricane Zeta is forming, as shell shocked Hurricane victims rebuild.

With Katrina, Rita and Wilma all Super Storm Cat Five Hurricanes and all ranking in the top six of the most powerful Hurricanes of all times, we appear to be entering a era or cycle. Indeed, Mother Nature is showing mankind who is boss on the surface of the Planet; hint: it is not humans.

Many are now saying that enough is enough, they do not even want to hear about Atlantic Tropical Storms or weather, as far as they are concerned Hurricane Season is over. Yet Meteorologist researchers, Geo Scientists and Climatologists are quite intrigued and even amused at the thought of a rapidly forming Tropical Storm over New Years.

Is it possible that we might have year-long or never ending Hurricane Seasons? Is it possible that the dire predictions of Super Storms and Global Warming are now here in the present period?

Is it possible that Mother Nature is simply playing tricks on us and every thing will return to normal in 2006? Many say don