Arthritis, Pain Relief And Soft Drinks

Because arthritis is so widespread now, it gets a lot of attention from all of us - from the average person to the health professional. Some experts believe that arthritis was first introduced by a strain of virus some two centuries ago. But then, other experts have found conclusive evidence of arthritis in ancient Egyptian mummies. But whether it's two centuries or four millennia, arthritis does seem to be age-related. We are clearly more prone to have it the older we get. And we have therefore come to regard arthritis as a degenerative disease.

But that should by no means mean that arthritis is inevitable. "But why should we have to take natural hormone creams and supplements?" my clients often ask. "Our ancestors didn't take them, and arthritis wasn't nearly as prevalent in times past." The simple fact is, most of our ancestors didn't live to the ripe, old, healthy ages we do nowadays. They died younger and were worn out earlier - while we go on playing golf and tennis into our 70s and beyond. We live longer now, and want to enjoy ourselves more. So why suffer - unnecessarily - the aching joints and low energy of arthritis?

Sure arthritis is a fact, but we needn't resign ourselves to it. By being smart we can stay healthy. From my clientele and personal experience I've learned four easy ways to diminish or get rid of arthritis:

1. Soothex: It's a base of olive oil that's infused with anti-inflammatory herbs. Rub Soothex topically wherever you have pain and it takes the pain away, reduces swelling, and directly introduces healing oxygen to the joints and tissues. Soothex has no side effects