Closing My Eyes, Opening My Heart

I am writing this from the standpoint of a Christian believer. I was once living in the world, accepting the things that the world was telling me to be fact. But, this year I am seeing things in a whole new light. I have been saved through Jesus Christ and my walk with Him has not been an easy one. But then again He never promised it to be. Along the road through these transitions I have learned that I would be persecuted for my beliefs, even from other professed "believers". It was a great discouragement to be ridiculed, judged and corrected by those who I thought would support me.

You see, I was not only called by God, but I was chosen by Him. My misgivings by some is that I have no formal training by man. I only have the will to do His will. He has used me to advance His Kingdom by teaching His Word of Truth. When He puts you in this circumstance you have to stand firm and learn not to buckle under the pressure that is out there, because it is there. Only the weak and faint of heart will fall away, as the seeds that were sown in rocky soil.

"Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were uneducated and untrained men, they marveled. And they realized that they had been with Jesus." Acts 4:13 (Amplified)

It's not for my own recognition that I take on this great and honorable duty. What most people don't realize is this, that if you profess to speak the Word of God, only you will be held accountable for what you speak. So for me, it's a very serious job calling on my part. I have given myself unto God to be used by Him for His will and not mine. I never would have imagined myself to teach or write His Words of wisdom let alone live by them.

So, like everyone else I suppose I will use this new year as a time to reflect back on my life, the place where I came from and the place He is taking me to. Believe me, God is going to take me through some more rough places before He is going to bring me to the place He wants me to be. My life as far as the world sees it, is not one to be content with. There are things happening that I wouldn't wish on anyone. But the difference in how I view these things lie in knowing Who is in control. I gave up my control years ago and now I can truly trust in God to lead me through what is lying ahead. He is my Sustainer, He is my Joy and my Peace and for that reason I can have patience when normally I would be a wreck.

What do I want for this next coming year? I want to be able to close my eyes to the things that are visible. I have learned that God gives His children eyes to see the things in the spirit. These eyes can see the good that will over ride all the bad things that confront us daily and are meant to lead us into destruction.

I did a teaching one Sun. about a place both physical and spiritual in the Bible. It's called Mahaneim. This is where Jacob wrestled with the Angel of the Lord and demanded his blessings (Gen. 32:2). It's also where Jacob learned that God is omnipotent. Up until now, Jacob had God in a box and never knew Him personally. In this place, Jacob leaned on God and was brought out of his circumstances. David also wrote from Mahaneim when he was fleeing for his very life from his own son Absolom. It was here that God sent him the help he needed. The lesson is: God will always send us the help we need when we are going through this place. He not only takes us through it but beyond it.

To come through Mahaneim, we need only open up our hearts and let Him in and take over our battles and then rest in that. It's having the innocence of a child to believe He's taking care of the problem, it's having the love to be able to show others while going through these hard times that we still have love to give.

"By this we come to know (progressively to recognize, to perceive, to understand) the (essential) love; that He laid down His (own) life for us; and we ought to lay (our) lives down for (those who are our) brothers (in Him)." 1 Jn. 3:16

I guess you could say that this year I am going to walk even deeper with Christ by trusting Him more and showing Him the love I have for my brothers and sisters through Him. I want to learn from the places I've come, I want to grow stronger in the places I'm going. I know that the enemy has declared a personal war against me, but the battle belongs to God. I want to give up my rights to have personal vindecation. I am refusing to feel condemned, distracted, or discouraged by what others may say or think about me.

If you are a Christian, let this year be one to grow even stronger. Don't let Satan tell you lies about who you are or where you are going. In knowing that you have an obligation to keep God's commands, you will then know that He has an obligation in keeping His promises to you.

So this new year, I want to close my eyes to the lies of the world and open my heart to the promises of God. This guarantees victory for a happy new year!

Won't you consider joining the winning team? God is looking for ordinary people to do extraordinary work! If you aren't sure where to sign up, here's how it's done. Confess that Jesus is Lord and Savior over your life, let go of your past sins and renew your life according to God's will, He will sign your name in the Lamb's Book of Life.

Let Him lead, all He asks is that you follow.

Have a wonderful and blessed New Year!

Vivian Gordon - EzineArticles Expert Author

Vivian Gordon is an obedient servant to teach and write the Word of God. She has also been called to serve as a prayer warrior. It is her desire to publish her Christian children's book, as God has laid on her heart years ago. She asks that you will lift her in prayer as God will supply the resources to make this possible.