Can a Word Really Cause Chronic Illness?

When you hear someone saying, " I HAVE fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, arthritis, lupus, etc., they are revealing a key strategy involved in the perpetuation of any "chronic illness."

There is perhaps nothing that impacts our lives, particularly our futures, than our "identity." Our identity transcends our beliefs, and becomes the driving force that will guide us down one life path or another.

I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia in 1997. Although my complete reversal of this "illness" was multi-faceted, I realized early on that going through a dis-identification pattern was absolutely vital if I was to be well again.

Do you know why buyers clubs are so effective for marketers? Because the moment they can get us to identify ourselves as a member of a particular organization, we have now taken that "membership" on as part of our identity, and will most likely be a customer for life.

Likewise, many people with "chronic illness" are swept up by "organizations" that promote the idea of a continued identity with whatever "illness" they "have."

I was once asked to join a fibromyalgia support group. I immediately said, " I can't, I don't support fibromyalgia!" Have you ever heard the phrase "Misery loves company."?

One of the most powerful needs on earth, is that of acceptance. Once we have been accepted by a group, the need that it fills is so powerful, than on an unconscious level, we will do anything to remain a part of that group......even if it means staying sick.

Having worked with countless clients over the last several years, assisting them in regaining their health, the theme is always the same. Disidentification with the "illness." Once this has been achieved, I have found that almost anything becomes possible. Without it, well, you know the rest.

If you ever catch your self saying ," I wish I could get rid of this XYZ!" STOP! Realize that to get rid of something, you first have to HAVE something. Every known illness is a process; a process with unlimited points available for intervention.

I wish you well!

Vincent Harris is a professional speaker, educator, and health consultant. Having completely reversed the symptoms of the "fibromyalgia" that had devastated his life, he now assists others in their journey back to health. Visit the website at