Cold and Flu Advice

It's that time of the year... everyone you talk to is either sick, or knows someone who is sick. In my household, all five members have been ill to some degree in the past 2 weeks.

Here are some of my personal cold/flu tips:


(*Please note: if you have small children in public school, it is virtually impossible to prevent getting ill during cold/flu season.)

1. Get the flu shot. You may still get a milder case of the flu, or a completely different virus.
2. Wash your hands. Wash before you eat, after you blow your nose, after handling your pet(or some children!), etc.
3. Stay healthy, eat properly, and even take a daily multi-vitamin. I personally take an extra daily dose of vitamin C during cold/flu season. Vitamin C with give your immune system a boost to help fight off the virus.
4. Avoid sick people if possible.

Non-medical treatments:

1. Take vitamin C. If you haven't been taking this supplements before getting ill, take it now. There is some debate as to how effective it is, but it will do no harm if it has no effect.
2. Drink plenty of fluids. Especially clear fluids.
3. A cool mist vaporizer is good for a cough.
4. At night to help your breathe, try Breathe Right nasal strips. These can be quite effective. See for more info!
5. For sinus relief add 2 drops of tea tree oil to 2 cups of boiling water and mix in a large bowl. Carefully drape a towel over your head and inhale the steam.
6. Chicken soup ... seriously! The soothing warmth and steam is helpful in clearing congestion, and the soup broth is said to have anti-inflammatory properties that help sooth a sore throat.
7. Saline nasal spray.
8. Pay the extra dollar and get tissues with lotion. Your nose with thank you!
9. Contact your doctor if your temperature is greater than 103