Backpacking Basics!

Backpacking Basics!

Backpacking is perhaps the greatest get-away possible to man! Backpackers leave behind most ties to civilization and take nothing with them but what can be carried on their back! Backpacking the miles of wilderness around you can be an exhilarating experience. Whether the trail leads up through high mountain forests, or along a shore, or even the desert, backpacking brings us close to nature like nothing else can.

As with any outdoor activity, planning is essential to a good backpacking experience. While nature is astoundingly beautiful, it is also hazardous, and being prepared is a must. Guided backpacking tours are gaining in popularity, but most people prefer to strike out into the wild. Long before the backpacking begins, the route to be taken should be identified and appropriate people notified of your intentions. Whether the backpacker is a beginner or a well-seasoned old-timer, precaution should be taken for safety. Backpacking gear should be especially lightweight and compact. Backpacks are greatly improved over what they once were, with stronger and lighter aluminum frames, and designed for optimum comfort and support. Backpacking supplies, from nutritional meals to the first aid kit, need to be well thought out in advance. There