International Patent Law in China and Its impact on American Innovation

Many complain about the fact that Chinese companies often steal American products and re-engineer them and send them around the world to be sold in mass. In fact you do not have to look very hard in the United States on retail shelves to see knock off products of such. Many are made as inexpensively as possible, often with cheaper and inferior parts and brought over by the shipload. You cannot blame retailers for buying these products at a fifth of the wholesale price and wishing to resale them for just under the average retail price to the consumer. But each item sold that way which has been stolen or copied means fewer products are made here and that is upsetting to those who work in the American manufacturing sector. If you lost your job, I am sure you would agree.

Recently a think tanker and Autoworkers stated that if you are an innovator and think that a patent will help you against a Chinese company stealing your work, forget it. He said very matter of factly;