White Sun - Sight & Mind

The right understanding is very important, then the right thought and right action. By understanding the world and the truth, one will see the reality of the world and what he should do in order to live a better and more meaningful life. Everything we do must come from some thought in our mind first. If we happen to do something wrong, that, too, must come from some wrong thought in our mind.

First we need to know we have a spiritual body. The spiritual body is the true self or the inner self which is our original nature and divine. There is also this physical self, which is this body that cannot last forever and only temporary. We are so used to this physical self that we take this physical self as our true self and this is not a correct understanding. But we need this body and our sense organs to contact this world, to perceive this world, to sense this world and also to understand this world. So this physical body which commits action is just a tool. It is the thought which instructs this body to go to do that thing which could be wrong or right. It