Touching Sacred Sex

Many are able to devote their lives to a career or a business, but are unable to worship the deep waters of intimacy with their partner. While it is foolish to ignore the importance of money, much pain comes from over commitment to its exalted position. One can achieve status in striving for the top rung of the ladder and still fall to the bottom as a hacked up corpse. Money that comes freely and increases the joy in your life is rare, and should be taken, because you may do great things with it, but gouging out your own eyes in return for its imagined power will leave you in a black void.

The legal contract of marriage is of itself an agreement for financial security, with the qualities of loyalty, faithfulness and obedience written in. As some have found, this contract is not easily fulfilled. Couples are inwardly lacking what they may not even have a name for. They are not happy in their soul because their most personal closets are closed. Being together for many years is not always a sign of a satiated life. Indeed, older couples often feel embarrassed, even ashamed of intimacy on the erotic level. One can drown the fervour of the soul with piety by assuming a hard attitude to spiritual sexuality. This is the natural expectation of an upbringing and environment that petrifies emotion and views our most erotic fantasies as an alien organ that must be surgically cut out. Our heart chakras begin to die and become stones of resentment when their tears of delight cannot be mingled with a soul-partner. In sexually advanced thought, obtaining paradise with a partner is an art. Dissatisfied people often seek someone else to share their secret delights with, which proves that erecting a brick wall on nature will not stop her expression. An observation of the Earth Goddess reveals Her house of pleasure in the fruits; the flowers; the caressing sunshine and the animals. Are we the blank-faced statues in Her garden? Must we pretend we have been cast of bronze instead of spirit?

Your mind is a seed that has been wetted with dew. What now? Frightening things happen to a soul that is finding itself in love. You might see that you could never reach fulfilment with your partner. Perhaps you have been loyal but heavily disappointed that you could not enact your dreams. The answer is with you. You may place yourself in an entirely new lifestyle with a mind so eager to be taught you will wonder who you were before. When you are ready, your lover will meet you.

One cannot demurely enter into another's soul. Each dissolves the self and re-shapes as one. This requires seeing through the image of an outer world and beholding the exhilaration of a spirit that has found itself. As yet, we are as splinters refusing to see that we are a tree. We must learn to undo spiritual and emotional welts that were layered into our sub-conscious by the thieves of our soul. We are famishing for love.

For many, a teacher of exotic sex is desirable, but you may begin of your own mind and pass through the veil to the highest love that a human could grasp. Prepare the setting