Work Ethic of Entrepreneurial Start-ups

What level of commitment is necessary to take a new high-tech product from seed to weed? What does it is absolutely required in terms of dedication in order to start in your garage and build a prototype to launch into the market? I believe it takes a massive amount of perseverance and it is not something to take lightly. I believe it takes a 6 month to one year every waking hour time frame with all the personal character, stick-to-it-ness and inner will you can muster.

Many entrepreneurs say that they can make the sacrifice for 6 plus months to get the real freedom they need. Of course in the same breath they say they need a minimum of $4,000 per month just to survive. Others say they will do what ever it takes for as long as it takes if they have to sleep on a cot for ten years eating Top Ramen and Macaroni and Cheese. If this is where you stand, then I say